Saturday, June 05, 2004

Why start now?

Never in this lifetime would I have thought I'd ever be doing an on-line journal about whatever random thoughts that pop up in my head or events that go on in my life. Personally, I used to equate Journals to something like highschool English, which I absolutely despised. And, of course, I wouldn't call myself the most open person in the world, so it just makes too much sense that I would start writing up my own public journals. Which leads to the question is: Why start now?

Maybe I want start capturing some of the thoughts that run through my brain. These days, I'm finding life is going by too fast for my brain to keep up with what happened in the past day let alone the past week. Kind of a scary thought if you think about it. Must be old age. The point being, it's important to remember the events that go on in our lives 'cause to a degree, it defines who we are. Perhaps, this is another avenue to something that I'll start to enjoy doing. If it's one thing I find I'm learning more and more is that anything is possible.

Alright, I'm out. Lates.


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