Saturday, September 15, 2007

On Weddings

This past month has been really stressful. Anyone who says preparing to play for a wedding is easy has clearly never done it before. Especially when they tell you the day of the rehearsal that you need another song and that Canon in D is forbidden.

It's the biggest honour I've been a part of, to play at someone's wedding. Everyone's got their roles and knows that their job is to make the bride & groom's day perfect. You're no longer a spectator to someone's happiness but rather a voluntary part in the event. I purposely say voluntary because all of us are completely irreplaceable in our roles, yet the bride and the groom chose us to be a part of it.

It isn't because of talent, because there's plenty of people out there who are more talented. It's because we know the bride and groom, but more importantly, we are known by the bride and groom. That is something special.

To be completely honest, I thought singing at a wedding would be no different than singing at a congregation. I was wrong. I've never been so nervous in my entire life because you know you only get one chance to make it good. Martin & Alice, thank you for the honour of playing at your wedding and to share in your big day.


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