Saturday, June 05, 2004

So summer's here: Part I

So, in keeping up with the theme of remembering the events that go on in our lives, I figured the best place to begin writing about was at the start of summer. At this point, the school year is over and I can begin to look forward to the start of what I hope is an eventful and productive summer back in boring old Oakville. Deep down inside though, part of me isn't looking forward to it because it means that all the people I'm used to seeing every day or so for the past 8 months I'll be lucky if i see them once every two weeks or so.

I guess it's a reality that we all face at some point, one that becomes a bit more permanent once we all finish our schooling, but I don't even want to think about that. The real pity is that this year especially, I got to know so many more people and it's sucks that half of them won't be here next year. Case in point are all the ECE CBC's that are going on internship next year. I know I'll definitely miss all of them when September rolls around.

I've already been through this exercise for two summers so I know what to expect. As we get older, our lives just become that much busier. Come summer, it's like a balance act trying to catch up with your old friends which you haven't seen for a majority of the year along with seeing the new friends you've made. Nevermind the fact that most of the people I know also have a full-time job, school, relationships, you name it, to juggle around as well. And let's not forget time for yourself. That's essential. Time is essential.


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