Monday, February 26, 2007

Good News

I had a chance to catch up with a few friends from KCCF saturday. One of them was my old 311 Cell Group leader Steph. She was one of the very first people I got to know when I started going to fellowship. One of the conversation we both remembered vividly was on a bus ride up to winter retreat. Talking about why I was seeking, going to fellowship, telling my story. That was three years ago. Fast forward to now, we started sharing about where God was leading us in our lives. I got to tell her about the missions trip I was preparing for in May and my burden for the truth and she shared about how God had opened the door for her to teach in Hong Kong and have the opportunity to be a positive influence over there.

One of the things she noted was how much I've grown and I guess its true. It's one of those things that is always great to hear from someone else because it reminders me that God has been continually be faithful. It always gets me excited when I hear about someone elses victory in Christ and I suppose sharing my own victories provides encouragement. So, it means my cell-group leader is going to pursue her dreams (and be with her boyfriend) at the expense of leaving us behind. It's sad, but in a way it makes me happy because she's moving to bigger and better things.

On a completely seperate note. I had my yearly review and they've been greatly impressed with my work to the point where they've given me a raise and put me at a managerial level now! It feels good to be recognized. Also, the flight to Europe is now booked. This missions/conference is starting to become a reality.


Blogger Cliff said...

That's awesome to hear Pat.. :)..Parise the Lord.

9:41 AM  
Blogger sammie_l said...

Pat, the Lord is indeed faithful. And I am blown away constantly by what He chooses to do in our lives. Hope all is well =)

3:56 PM  

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