Sunday, January 28, 2007

Co-leading Worship

Today I co-led for the first time. I've been itching to do this for months now. It's interesting, when you're in the congregation you can tell what's going on with the team and whether or not they're playing or worshipping. You can also tell when the congregation is really feeling God's presence. Coming from KCCF, I was accustomed to worship that was on fire, people who sang their hearts out for God, people who had passion expressed outwardly. Back in the home church, its different. I wonder if its the chinese culture (whereby people express their love of God by being as stoic and expressionless as possible) of people not really feeling God.

When you stand up there, you can see who is really into the worship and who is disinterested. I firmly believe it's possible to have this church standing up and enthusiastically praising God. Worship on its own its meant to be an intimate expression of our joy in God, which its hard because the church setting isn't what I'd necessarily call intimidate. Perhaps the solution is to become the change which I want to see. A new step in my walk. Full of frustrations, joy, hardships, encouragement alike. Bring it on. =D


Blogger Cliff said...

hmm..praise the Lord :o)

Leading is definitely different than following...your perspective changes....Glad to have a brother like u in our church...

9:06 AM  

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