Saturday, June 05, 2004

So summer's here: Part II

Knowing all this, I've got this plan to counter the time crunch. Part of it is to physically list out all my goals for the summer and the other part is to try and make sure that everything I do serves a dual purpose. I've always been told that goal setting is key to organization and success and I'm giving it a real shot this time around.

Here's the rundown of all my goals for the summer: 1) Continue to strengthen my faith in the Lord, 2) Doing an outstanding job at IMO, 3) Become completely fit and toned 4) Try to learn Cantonese 4) Work hard at School 5) Take guitar or piano lessons and 6) Chill with my friends as much as I can. If it sounds like a lot to take on, it probably is. But to take an except from one of my favourite quotes (I'll post it up another time) is "..who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.." How it applies to me is that I don't fear failure as much as I fear never really trying. I can at least live with the first one.

It's already 5 weeks into the summer. Over a quarter of it's gone already. My friends hate it when I point that out. But I think it's critical. For me at least, It'll hopefully remind me to haul ass and not get too comfortable or too content with everything I've done up to this point. It's the thought that counts. Damn I've written a lot.


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