Monday, December 19, 2005

One Year Old

It was one year ago to this day that I officially made my declaration to the world about my faith. My baptism. Heck, I still remember coming out of the exam rushing to get to the train station almost flat broke, arriving home and staying up past 3 AM writing my testimony for my 9 AM baptism that morning.

I just wanted to write about the ways God has worked to transform my life. To give a glimpse of what my faith means to me.

When I read a book or here a song that has the theme of hope and love the words just become alive to me and I fully understand where the writing/author comes from. When I do something, I do it with a purpose that goes towards something beyond myself. I don't worry about stuff that I don't have any control over anymore. My confidence is completely rooted in God and God alone so I've stopped doubting myself. I don't concern about needing the approval of others or what they think of me. Stuff like finding a girlfriend will come when it comes. I've started noticing how beautiful the world can be. Most importantly, I believe in the impossible.

This feeling of being free is still a bit strange to me and it's only the beginning of bigger and better things to come. The chance to go out and accomplish what I never thought I could in this lifetime. The chance to dream big.

All this only after one year. All this only by God's beautiful grace.


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