Thursday, January 12, 2006

Foundation Building

"Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were stil trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ."

Galatians 1:10

I find when I ask myself this question, the more I find I'm trying to seek a middle ground that provides a self justification when it shouldn't. At times my actions reflect my lack of confidence, not in my ability or in my belief of God or Christ, but in my understanding of their fundamental values or teachings.

I've read so many books that have inspired me, motivated me get up and charge into the world, but when face to face with the situation, doubts overtakes my conviction because I'm simply unsure of the teachings of Christ. To put it straight forward, I feel like I barely know Christ and its really starting to bother me. It's getting to the point where it feels like I'm just puffing smoke whenever I proclaim my faith. I'm tired of in my heart knowing God is in my life but not really having a clue who Jesus is aside from the atypical Sunday School answers you hear about him.

My desire is to be a servant of Christ and know what this means. I feel like Christ is some distant hero from long time ago that I recognize more as fact in my head than from my heart. My prayer is to desire to know Christ and be just knocked over in sheer reverance. To have such a profound respect for him that upon hearing his name I would have to contain myself from saying "Hallelujah!" and to know in my heart what it means to call him Saviour again. To not just thirst for him, but to act on that thirst with undeterred will and build an unbreakable foundation that reflects his glory.


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