Thursday, June 29, 2006

Everything. Faith. Now. Forever

These four words have been hitting at me like a ton of bricks.

To call myself a Christian is to constantly die to myself every day and give EVERYTHING to him. It's that one word that continue to haunt me through my struggles. It seems I've hit my ceiling in my current state and I can hear God beckon me to break through not hold back in letting him work further in me.

I'm not use to giving 100%, which I'm somewhat ashamed to admit. I used to be happy being able to do many things mediocrely, but now its doesn't sit well with me.

I'm reaching out to God to pull me out of my sinful rut. To struggle now and have faith that he will provide. To help pull me out of the jam I've put myself in. To renew myself now as in the present. To cast off all the crap this world offers and seek what's important in God's eyes.

This is really hard. Keep fighting. Let the Holy Spirit reign in.


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