Thursday, March 01, 2007

True Friendship

I was talking to my PK co-worker about an situation I've been wrestling with over the past week with my friend. One one hand, I don't condone her actions whatsoever, on the other hand I understand why she does it. When you feel you've lost respect for someone, it's really hard to be genuinely friends with them. So then, I have to decide where I stand.

My friend's advice, which God was definitely speaking through her. (Paraphrased)

"True friendship isn't about what you can get from the person, but what you can offer to them...(I'll add the rest once I remember it)"

Really, I believe I've had my approach about friendship all backwards without even knowing it. It's one of those moments where you're wowed by the beauty and simplicity of that wisdom and humbled by it when you compared to how you treat your friends. As Elaine would put it, "God slapped me in the face." on that one.


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