Sunday, September 17, 2006

Quoting Famous People

I remember hearing this quote from the Promise Keepers conference I went to last year. Mike "Pinball" Clemons quoted OJ Simpson about the hollowness and lack of peace he felt in his life, before the his wife was killed. I remember how much it struck me hearing it, because you can almost empathize what that emptiness and restlessness feels like, yet at the same time, shudder at the thought that these people don't know the joy of having Christ in their lives.

We all know that living for this world leads to nothing but emptiness, but sometimes it takes someone's experience to make it hit home. I feel for OJ, yet at the same time, part of me wishes never to come anywhere near that emptiness and restlessness.

"I sit in my house and sometimes I get so lonely it's unbelievable. Life has been so good to me. I've got a great wife, good kids, money, my own health - and I'm lonely and bored - I often wondered why so many rich people commit suicide. Money isn't a cure all."

OJ Simpson

The sermon that I found it on had quotes from Eddie Murphy and Harrison Ford. I used to idolize these actors growing up, yet its interesting to hear their comments. Check out the link.


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