Sunday, December 03, 2006


When I was home, I noticed there was sheet music for "How Great Thou Art" sitting on our piano. Those of you who know my story know full well I'm the only Christian in my family. So seeing that music peaked my curiosity. I was downstairs later when I heard someone playing it on the piano. Low and behold, it was none other than my mom who was playing it. I don't think I've ever seen my mom play the piano up until this point. It turns out "How Great Thou Art" was my mom's favourite hymn growing up (she was brought up Catholic), and interestingly enough we had played part of that song for service.

The big stunner was finding out that both my mom and dad had actually attended the 8:15 service earlier that day. The last time they'd set foot in a church was when I was baptized 2+ years ago. Before that....possibly when Nintendo was first coming out. It's the encouragement I've been needing. Intermittently, I had been praying for my family, but it feels like my prayers had become a broken record. In my head, I know God has heard my prayers, but the struggle has been for my will to harmonize with that conviction. For my faith to surface. It's comforting to know that I'm not going through this struggle by myself and God is doing his thing. I feel ashamed for doubting.

This absolutely made my day. It made this morning's rather choppy worship a distant memory. On a side note, I've finally completed my section of the scrapbook our Panama family is sending out to Ricky. Oh, and for the record, Jennifer Duncan is the definition of scrapbook fanatic. Have a good week!


Blogger I.M. said...

Pat, don't give up hope, on your parents. Keep the faith and carry on praying. God has a time for everything. Took 11 years before God answered my prayers and got my parents to accept Christ. =)

8:44 AM  
Blogger Boris' Dad said...

The LORD is good and works in His own time.

10:04 AM  
Blogger elaine s said...

wow PAt! that's amazing! Keep on praying!

11:17 AM  
Blogger Cliff said...

One step at a time..Praise the Lord..

...glad to hear your parents faith is slowly turning around..

Yes jen is a scrapbook fanatics....CRAZY

1:25 PM  
Blogger Bonbon said...

Don't give up...I pray that one day too my dad will come back to Church and be a Christian...I'll pray for you and your family=)

9:38 PM  

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