Monday, January 01, 2007

God has really instilled in me a burden and desire for his Truth. It started when one of my friend's was told that the story of Jesus was in fact, made up and she believed it. Usually, I'm never quick to anger, but that's something that set me off.

This past year, I've developed a passion for apologetics. The general stereotype that I've heard about is that most of us were brought up Christian and we follow the "religion" because it's what we were conditioned to think growing up. What's interesting is that from a scientific, historical and philosphical perspective, there's more evidence supporting God and Christ than against. (I may sound completely biased at this point, but I would definitely encourage those to look into it for themselves.) Sometimes, I forget God calls us to preach the gospel and makes disciples, and that apologetics is supplemental to our faith, not the core of it.

At my friend's wedding, a few of us were having coffee at Tim Horton's after the wedding ceremony. The wedding itself had a very strong Christian theme to it (scriptures, worship songs, having the pastor speak about marriage) and for some of my non-Christian friends that were there, it was like they were in a church service. Naturally, something like that would lead to some sort of discussion which I felt God was calling me to listen rather than speak. An exerpt from it was below:

Girl 1: I felt like I was in a church service and not a wedding ceremony. You know, if you believe in religion and it makes you a better person, that's great. For me, all that matters is that you live a good moral life.

Girl 2: Yeah! Like, I think I'm a good person and I don't follow religion.

Sunday's sermon mentioned that it's not how much you know, but how much you care that counts. We're living testimonies of the work Christ has done in our lives. There should be an aura that radiates about us. But what good is that aura if it lukewarm or if its unseen? How can I show them the peace and hope I have in Christ if I'm never physically present to share it? What good is it if we only have part of the truth in our lives? 2007, I want to show the world God's Truth, which calls for my full submittal. For if they can't see it in my own life, then how can the know that there's something better out there? How can I expect them to believe?


Blogger Bonbon said...

Praise the Lord! Thanks for reminding me=)

1:03 AM  

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