Wednesday, March 07, 2007

One thing you should know about us Aquariuses...

We're just wacky, weird people....but honest and friendly!

Apparently I'm:

friendly and humanitarian
Honest and loyal
Original and inventive
Independent and intellectual

And on the Dark Side:

Intractable and contrary
Perverse and unpredictable
Unemotional and detached

To be honest, it sounds exactly like me to a tee. I just wonder if its because I read this at a very young age and it stuck or if there's actually something to be said about the zodiacs. I tend to lean towards the fore rather than the latter. Agree or disagree?


Blogger elaine s said...

you're perverse?! :)

11:23 AM  
Blogger Bonbon said...

You're not unemotional!! You are one of the few guys I know that expresses their emotions=)

7:45 PM  

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