Friday, May 27, 2005

Inner Character

Over this past year I've really tried to learn more about God's grace by taking that leap of faith whenever I saw that opportunity I believe he presented in front of me. It's such an awesome feeling to be constantly driven to build that relationship with God, to have that desperation to know him more, to be developing a passion that consumes every moment of who you are. It's something I've never felt before and it's that feeling that give me constant hope.

What I've also discovered about myself is that when I wish to seek God, there seems to be a subconcious reason for it. More often than not it's always a case of trying to seek God on my terms rather than his and sooner or later, that subconcious reason is revealed to me.

I'm amazed by what my inner character can be like. I've always thought of myself as a good person with some faults and weakenss, but then it comes to my attention how insecure, mean or apathetic I can really be. More and more I am starting to really enjoy growing with God. Being the inquisitive person that I usually am, I'm beginning to find answers to the enigma that is me and can start to see what an incredible masterpiece he's trying to build in all of us.

The phrase "Know Thyself" seems to take on a new meaning every time I give it some thought. Half the fun of this whole journey is finding the way(s) to adapt and/or overcome these parts of myself that are brought to my attention, knowing that you are slowing becoming a more complete person and achieving that personal victory in Christ.

Motive is everything. Correct me if I'm wrong.


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