Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I had a chance to see a bunch of friends from my CCF. It's was great to see all of them. I really do miss my old university friends and all the familiar faces. It's these times that make me realize how special Queen's really was. It's hard too keep in touch. It's hard to say good bye, or see you soon. It's hard to make the effort when the path God directs us is differs.

If there is I regret during my university times is never putting enough time into my friendships, especially to my Christian family. Always stressed about school and extra-curriculars and loading up my personal development. And while I admit the sacrifice has definitely given me a lot, I can help but wonder if I sacrificed the right things.

I can see the same story repeating itself entering my career. I'm trying to put so much time into work and developing my mix bag of spiritual skills that I start to wonder if I'm neglecting or not even trying to develop the relationships with those around me. As if everyone is going one way and I'm going another. I've learned a long time ago that friendships come and go. That you're lucky if you have three people you can call true friends.

I suppose its how we respond to this situation that reflects our real character. If knowing that this stage of my life and the people I'm surrounded with are only to be around for so long, how do I react? Do I work as if I'm building towards friendships that will last eternally, or do I think from a worldly point of view and see it as people coming and going?

It's the quality of the relationships over the quantity that God cares about, with his relationship being centre. I can't help but feel that everything I've to deepen my relationship with God and with my friends has been on a superficial level. The ironic thing is, that the amount of I make myself available to others is exactly how often I make myself available to God. That in my attempts to constantly be something more, that I've missed the entire point. It's not about me, it's about God and he can't change me, if I don't put in the time to let him.


Blogger Cliff said...

It is far too easy to have the mentality of school the same mentality entering into the job enviornment.

To cram every minute to get top marks in school will not work the same in a J O B. The reason is with a job, there are always more work to do...always more work to make it better..

There is only amount of time each day. That is a given. I often ask myself..would I be willing to sacrifice doing less work (not in the context of slacking) to focus more in a relationship with God? This is at the risk of not gaining a promotion and/or prestiege and/or money.

I guess through the years I start to see life not just as work accomplishments or school accomplishments....instead i rather have a more well rounded lifestyle...good relationship with God...good friends...and training...

The funny thing is that..this keeps me from burning out (BO). I have issues of BO. But nothing too bad that I have a meltdown. My next goal is to develop depths in all areas (work, family, chruch and training) without BO.

At the end of the day..of my life.. on my death bed..i will not wish i have done more work or do better at a project..rather i want to see the people i have influence...the friendships i have bonded and the life i have saved...lastly nad more important..i am a testimony to Christ...

11:20 PM  

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