Friday, October 06, 2006


I was too lazy to figure out how the flickr thing that Geoff uses on his blog works.'s a couple of pictures from my Panama trip way back in May! Those who haven't seen the DVD must see it! Enjoy!

Royal DeCameron Resort

It's a peacock!

Roommates Ricky, James and myself.

Panama has so much fresh fruit. Yay pinapples (boloh) and Papaya!

Chess rocks!
The guys (Kevin, Ricky, James, Myself, Jackie, Greg)

We all had nicknames on the trip based on funny things that happened: Kevin - Full Moon, Ricky - Hansel, James - Kitty/Five Star, Myself - Tourist Pat, Jackie - Treaure Trail/Mr. Bean, Greg - Cabana Boy

The Girls (Benissa - Yaaooo, Melody - Mother Goose, Gladys - Summer Fling/Fan Club)

Posing or surfing??
I'm actually surfing!! (It's bloody hard)

Melody gets picked up by the lifeguard.
I really like this pick.
Human Pyramid!

There's a lot more pictures out there, but I thought I'd give these for starters. More to come.


Blogger Boris' Dad said...

looks like great fun but didn't you go to panama a LONG LONG LONG time ago? how come you're only posting now?

7:28 AM  
Blogger emahlee said...

I want a pet peacock!

1:30 PM  
Blogger Pat said...

Yup. I went to Panama way back in May. It's an extension from my previous entry where I only wanted to post serious thought provoking entries to just sharing fun memories. That and I've been really lazy.

2:09 AM  

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