Monday, September 06, 2004

Another Devotion

Here's another devotion that came to me. I found that it that it put things in pretty good perspective for me.


"ok, now i have to deal with these guys. Rebellious as they are, they're still my most treasured work, so i have to save this somehow.

I could just give them a pass to heaven as it is. But since i'm perfect, and they're not....if i just let them come here now, they'd be staying really far from me. Like infinitly far, as far as perfection is from imperfection. I don't want that, the whole point of having them come here is so we can finally, at long last, enjoy each other's company. I don't want them far far away from me when they come here....

Well, i could just LET them come close to me......wait...that doesn't work, i'm perfect, they're not.....

if i let them come close, then that would mean i'd have to be imperfect....a perfect being with imperfections is just plain imperfect......and i can't really change myself to be imperfect..... it looks like the best option i have now is to make them perfect. Well, i've already seen that they can't do it on their own. Some of these guys have really tried, and i'd have to applaud them for their efforts, but they're not even close. It's like jumping for the moon and cheering when you gain an extra 2 inches on your 1 foot jump........not even close......

So....i have to make them perfect.....but how.....hmm....i could just do it the old fashion moses way, have something take their imperfections for them.....but if i'm goin to do this in one shot for all of these people, it's gotta be more than like a sheep or a animal just can't bear all of these guy's imperfections.....

so the sacrifice this time has to be a person, i really don't have anything bigger or higher to use in all of my creation......but that'd be kinda silly......because a person's final end is to die for their imperfections if i call someone to die early for everyone's sin, it wouldn't be much of a sacrifice because that person was SUPPOSED to die in the end.....

not to mention dying isn't enough, moses knew's imperfections, even yesterday's imperfections, can be erased by passing it to something, to someone. But what about tommorow's, or the day after's?......that's why they just keep sacrificing, because their imperfections were just piling up day after day.....

no no no....just dying won't do....i need someone who will write a new ending for them....someone who will take their imperfections, their consequences, and reset them completely....someone who will not only take on their imperfections, but overcomes them as well....

and since death is the price of imperfection, i guess overcoming death makes the most sense...

ok.....let's take a look at the plan here.....i need someone who's blameless....who isn't supposed to die in the first place.....and someone who can overcome that my creations don't have to die over and over again for each other..... "

God looks to the one sitting to the right of his throne, and breathes a deep sigh.

"this is the only way....."


Blogger Pat said...

I came across the same thing very recently about God being love. I guess that's where faith comes in to play, it's probably is something we can never completely comprehend but know exists.

2:26 PM  

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