Tuesday, August 03, 2004

The Need For Personal Interaction

With the way we seem to go about our lives, busy going about our work, busy trying to prepare for the future, busy trying to survive the present, it leaves the question of how much time do we really give ourselves for our friends? Sometimes we get caught up so much in our own ambitions that we sometimes neglect what may arguably the most important priorities in our lives, our family and friends.

It seems as though so much of how we keep in touch is reduced down to non personal interaction. I'm talking about the MSN, the ICQ, the web chats. While, I recognize the convienience and distractions of these programs, sometimes I find I get in the nasty habit of making it my main module of keeping in touch. Yes, there are times when it is better to use MSN, but as a main mode? I refuse to believe that. I view it as doing the bare social minimum, yet it seems like it's the exact direction our society is heading.

I know this because it is something that I've been guilty of doing numerous times. Restricting myself to the safety net otherwise known as MSN. I hope I never get to a point where "lol" replaces laughter and ":)" takes over seeing a real smile or get to a point where the quantity of conversations that I have replace the quality. In this post-modern, high-paced society we find ourselves in, it seems the importance of having that personal interaction is greater than ever. Without it, what are we really left with?


Blogger Adrian said...

touch me in the moooooooorninggggggg.....

ahahah I'm sorry...I just felt like adding a new dynamic to your otherwise solemn philosophical tone in your post :)
Anyhoo, I concur! Personal interaction is the way to go...yay for phone line connections! That's why I'm never online anymore (aside from being online at work :D) Well, it's left me feeling very much disconnected from a lot of ppl but I think it's also strengthened a few friendships too...it's prolly also just due to the busyness of my schedule. Hopefully I'll be going on the camping trip tho...sounds like a lotta fun. Ookly dookly, I'm out. Peace outside sista,

ur bredren in Christ,

8:48 AM  
Blogger sammie_l said...

I agree wholly. However, my argument, sadly, is that I live out outside of the general 416/905 belt and therefore MSN/e-mail is the only communication I have with some of you. I also live far away, that doesn't help either. However, I fully agree, thus I have decided to only go on the computer, at a maximum, every other day. Believe me, for me, that's already a challenge. =p

6:14 AM  

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