Saturday, October 16, 2004

Truly Thankful

In previous years I always treated Thanksgiving as more of an annual ritual than anything else. Every year, help out with the turkey dinner, spent a bit of time with family and/or relatives, let the weekend go by and before I know it, back to school.

This year was a bit different. I really gave some thought to the whole concept of Thanksgiving or "Giving Thanks" for what we really have. I've been used to hearing the same generic saying grace "Dear Lord, thank you for the food we're about to enjoy, bless us with good health, prosperity ..etc...etc." Which is completely fine but it feels a bit automated at times. I'm guilty at times of saying my own generic "Dear Lord, thank you for everything, help me with discipline...etc." prayer. So when Thanksgiving rolled around this year, the question I asked myself is "What am I truly thankful for?" I say I'm thankful for everything, but specifically what? What do I recognize that I've been given?

Starting off with the very basics, clothing, shelter, food. Family stability, even though it's never ideal, I realize that it's still a very good situation. Just being here at and meeting all the awesome people that I've met. All the opportunities that God opens for us. Just having the opportunity to learn about God. Trying to list eveyrthing is not something I'm gonna try to blog down here because the list would be endless, but when I did that the time what's gifts and opportunites have been given to me, it's quite a bit. Quite a lot actually.

I guess above all else, it's knowing that you've been given the talent, purpose, god's love and mercy to be able to glorify his name. Your reason to live. Nevermind all the material things that we have, this above all else is something that I should be truly thankful for.


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