Friday, March 11, 2005

Recycling Wisdom

This past week was incredibly taxing for me. The combination of school stress among other things was really starting to get to me and left me in a sullen and sour mood for most of the day. I especially hate this feeling because I know I start becoming more self absorbed, less joyful and incredibly faithless.

A long time ago I learned that I have to see the positives and recognize that everyday is a gift from God with numerous opportunities to do his work and learn more about this world he created. At times it seems so hard to fathom why I shouldn't be excited about the prospect of what each and everyday has to offer but that's exactly what it's been like for me as of late. Because of it, I find myself more and more desperate to come to before God and ask him to remove the cloud that in my head that stops me from sharing in his joy.

It wasn't until I looked at my friend's journal and watching how she treats each day as its own gift that it made me realize how that very much applies to me. While I may not be off by myself in some far away land, where I am is special on its own and I should treat it that way through the good days and bad. I know it sounds reused and cliche, but its true. It's also a piece of wisdom that I've know for a long time but up until this point had lost its meaning on me. Each and every moment is special, and how I make use of it in every circumstance really shows who I am and who I live for. Nothing new here, but it is refreshing to know I can appreciate its meaning and profoundness again.


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