Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Thoughts on Worship

I've felt compelled to share my thoughts on what worship means to mean.

I don't know where to begin with it. It is an essential core of who I am and who God is in me. It is majestic, it is beautiful, it is awesome. When I play, it is the truth that the music represents to touchs my soul. That the music is real, that it tells a story and that it reminds of God's faithfulness to us.

I remember first hearing worship in KCCF and immediately feeling my soul awaken to the music with the crowd singing in unison. Something spectacularly deep was there which was able to bring everyone together. This wasn't just a band playing coffeehouse or a social gathering, this was fellowship.

I remember playing my first worship song. I think it was a Chris Tomlin song. It was at the same retreat that showed me the meaning of God's love. At the time I didn't really understand what the words meant, but there was a certain sense of peace and joy that came from it. I don't know what it is, but I love it. The simplicity of it, anyone can quickly learn it and immediately connect.

I remember being on my first worship team. Apparently you're supposed to be baptized and become a member of the church before you play. Well, I got baptized eventually that year. Quite funny, if it wasn't for the opportunity to play in KCAC, I don't know if I'd be baptized. I knew I just wanted to play and that this would be my last chance to do it here in Kingston. Public declaration of Christ? What am I waiting for. :D This was when I was less than a year into my walk, which seems like eternity ago. When I signed up for worship team and played, God taught me one lesson that has always stuck with me. It doesn't matter how long you've been a Christian for, only that you're willing to try.

Fast forwards and now I play biweekly for my fellowship back home. I absolutely love the place God's brought me to and the people he's surrounded me with. It's a struggle to try and take what God has blessed me with and infuse it back home. It's tough when the worship you're accustomed to is completely foreign to everyone else. You learn very quickly that it isn't what you feel the fellowship should hear that sounds good, but rather what direction and tone God wishes to set for the night. You also learn that the more you serve and the more you refine the talent God gives you, the more he demands.

I'm about to start worship for the english congregation soon. I'm hoping to bring the same infusion of energy that I try to bring to Emmanuel. I'm excited even though I know there'll be frustrating moments. More than ever am I leaning on God to guide me on this next big step. With the greater expectations I put on myself, I find it's challenging to keep the focus of worship on God and not on playing perfectly. I think God is trying to teach me about a high level of commitment and sacrifice. I'm excited and am trying to mentally prepare myself for serving him on a different level. It amazed me how quickly one's mentality of worship can evolve. I wonder what's next.


Blogger Boris' Dad said...

are you planning on leading worship or playing/singing as backup?

7:24 AM  
Blogger Pat said...

It's whereever the greatest need is. I'd assume he'd start me off as a backup and see how well I gel with everyone else. I actually found out that I have to have three practice sessions before playing. Did you know that???

5:34 PM  
Blogger Boris' Dad said...

no i didn't know that! when are they? i'm on this weekend.

7:25 AM  
Blogger Bonbon said...

You did great on Sunday!

10:46 PM  

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