Saturday, June 26, 2004

Body and Spirit

I remember reading somewhere "What you do to your body, your body pays back to you with interest."

I recently sprained my knee for the first time in my life. It's a scary feeling when you have very little mobility with your leg and a lot of pain when you do move it. You never truly appreciate how much you depend on a healthy body until it has broken down. The past couple of weeks has been absolutely frustrating, not being able to run, work out, walk normally etc. Any odd movements when I'm sleeping causes me to wake up due to the discomfort.

It actually might be a blessing in disguise. My injury actually prevented me from being able to work out or do sports freeing up some time for a little reflection of what I have been up to this point. By setting up so many goals for myself I was depriving myself of my main goal for the summer, strengthening faith. The result so far is that the entire time that I've been physically out of action has probably been the most spiritually fulfilling two weeks I've had in a while. I've forgotten how nice it is just to be able to sit in your room and just read, play guitar and pray.

Funny how you lose sight of the big picture so quickly. Even funnier is what drastic length you have to be put through before you realize how much you take it for granted. Painfully funny.


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