Saturday, March 12, 2005

The Most Important Person

One of the things that was really making me feel a bit crummy over the past little while was not really being able to do or share things with other people. Up to this point it had been school, school, school and it just drives me up the wall.

I talked to my housemate about how much I hated that feeling of only doing things for myself because I felt so empty because of it. Even though we all have responsibilities to ourselves, whenever things get thrown out of balance, I tend to lose all motivation for why I do things. I usually wind up asking myself if God wants me to put myself first in this case or still find ways to give to others regardless. Perhaps the first thing that needs to change is coming to God with that question rather than thinking about it myself.

My housemate gave me a simple quote that he got from his highschool teacher that puts things in some perspective for me.

"You know who is the most important person in my life? Me. Because if I can't take of myself, how can I take care of anyone else?"

What I take out of it is that essentially, I'm responsible to live up to my end of the bargain and believe that God will live up to his end. That it's the effort that I give throughout these times that really counts in the eyes of God. That it's not giving up everything I like doing, but knowing that my life is his. That the reason I do all of this is that because he loved me so and I'm desperately trying to find any way I can to love him back and know that love comes deep inside.
I know a lot of these answers sounds a bit sunday schoolish or cliche but it's ultimately what I feel.


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