Sunday, March 25, 2007

On Worship

"I want my life and the worship I do with my life outside of this room to be what I'm remembered by...that outside and friendship levels and relationships with friends and family, I worshipped what we do with our time, how we treat each other, that's the crux of our worship. And when we come in here, we get to celebrate the one who holds it all together, the one who's going to be victorious in the end...but it come from lives that worship God apart from this gathering, that culminate into this one big flame for the kingdom of God. And that excites me to be a part of. "

~Todd Fields

1Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual[a] act of worship.

Romans 12:1

So it was the first time I lead worship for the english congregation. Worship has always been something that was abstract and undefined, but most often I catagorize it with songs. What I've found about leading is that are several factors you have to account for in the 4-5 song set you pick to play and that picking and preparing is far more difficult that I realized. Yet, as important as it is to physically prepare, what holds it all together is our relationship with God. I'm sure this is pretty fundamental, but to see it in application leaves me in awe.

The experience itself as a whole was memorable. No question we were off on a few of the songs, but in the end we saw what is a usually a rather silent congregation come out and sing. The biggest compliment I received was someone telling me that "the presence of God was definitely felt." Humbling was knowing that the God used whatever would offer to make it work, answering one of my prayers. From it, I have a gained a tremedous respect for vocalists, leaders and greater appreciation for my band members. Definitely without them, none if this could happen. My perspective on worship is drastically altered.


Blogger Bonbon said...

I'm sorry I missed the worship on Sunday! You have grown so much since I met you...spiritually that is. I hope to be there the next time you lead.

9:53 PM  

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