Sunday, May 28, 2006

A glimpse of heaven

Today I spent the afternoon playing volleyball at Ashbridges Bay with a lot of good friends that I hadn't seen from Queen's for a long time. They've finally finished their undergraduate race after spending the year on internship. It struck me afterwards that it had really been two years since the days where we'd see each other in class on a daily basis.

Picture a beautiful sunny afternoon, driving down the Don Valley Parkway, eagerly anticipating to sight of familiar faces. Of course, before I can do any of that, I had to get through the unenviable task of trying to find parking when half of Toronto is trying to do the same. "Okay, maybe it'll take me 15 minutes. No Sweat." 45 Minutes and 6 blocks later, I managed to find parking without completely losing my cool at the insane amount of traffic I ran into.

When I got there, I saw so many friends and met a few new acquaintances. Some got there a bit earlier than I did, some got there a bit later. And all of us had a good time, joking around, playing volleyball or just catching up. I need no reminder that all this is only memorable because all of us have grown so much together at our time at Queen's. When I had to leave, I was dreading the long walk back to my car. A funny thing was that I start to notice the character of the area and seeing the beauty of it. It's something I would've never picked up had I gotten my way and been able to park so close to the volleyball courts.

Perhaps heaven itself isn't too far off from this, although I don't dare decieve myself into thinking of this world could come anywhere close as a substitute. Much like today, heaven itself is about being reunited with all those who share the same common denominator that allows us to call each other family. Our relationship with Jesus Christ. Each with their own story about God, their own adventure and their own victories. Most importantly, it's being reunited with God and the unimaginable joy that would ensue.

It's a long race to run. My mind can't begin the comprehend the finish line. I pray that I'll keep pushing. That I'll never concede anything.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

It's The Little Things

I was cleaning up my email inbox after many weeks of neglect. Those who know me best know that I can be pretty tardy when it comes to returning emails. Upon reading and deleting forgotten emails, I started coming across the numerous spamming that went on before I went off to Panama.

Panama itself was an amazing time and it was the people that made it so memorable. Almost lost in the fray though, was all the planning, all running around, all the jokes and all the emailing that at the time seemed like overkill. Upon deleting all the old emails, I can't help but laugh at the messages sent and realize that these too are memories just like Panama. It's all these little things that lead up to the trip is what also made it what it was.

It strikes me that this is exactly the way God works as well. Quite often I get so overwhelmed with how big God is and the fact that he is Creator of the universe that I overlook all the minute details that make his creation perfect. That no expense was spared when God went to work with the end result completely deserving of reverence.

It's no coincidence either that we are called to die to ourselves daily and be renew in Christ. It's when we lift EVERYTHING to God that we begin to see him the most. I'm reminded once more that its the journey that counts for everything, not the destination.

When I prayed for brokenness, I'd carried with me an expectation that God would do a repeat performance and break me in one clean swift blow. This time, brokenness came through a constant series of small blows that levelled me in the same manner with the only thing left standing is a completely new perspective about my faith. That greatness comes from being great at the little things. That true depth is a matter of the will. That God is working at all facets of out lives.

It's a revelation that changes my approach and understanding of what is meant by everything. I find that so cool and exciting!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Lifehouse - Everything

The moment I heard these lyrics I was just floored and wanted to sing praise to God. I hadn't had this feeling in a long time.

Find me here
Speak to me
I want to feel you
I need to hear you

You are the light
That is leading me to the place where I find peace again
You are the strength that keeps me walking
You the hope that keeps me trusting

You are the life to my soul
You are my purpose
You are everything

And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this

You calm the storms
You give me rest
You hold in your hands
You won't let me fall

You steal my heart and you take my breath away
Would you taken me in
Would you take me deeper now

And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this

'cause you're all I want
You are all I need
You are everything, everything