Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Our Greatest Fear

I had a Coach Carter moment. I looked up the speech. Did you know that it's Nelson Mandela's 1994 Inaugural Speech?? Coach Carter is a fantastic movie. Gotta love Sammy L. Jackson.

Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate,
but that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us.

We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We were born to manifest the glory of God within us.
It is not just in some, it is in everyone.
And, as we let our own light shine,
We consciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our fear,
our prescence automatically liberates others.

Let us shine.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Something's Gotta Give

Summer's almost gone. It's been one of the toughest summer I've had to deal with, because it's a summer where so much change is being demanded of me. Once again, I've found my schedule has been overloaded to the point where I struggle to find time to fully commit to the things I want to. So many responsibilities, so many things I want to make a strong commitment to: Spiritual Growth, Devotions, Fellowship, Family, Job, Friends, Certification, Ultimate Frisbee, Dragonboat, Working out, Personal Time.

What I find I do all too often is try and keep a handle on everything. Fulfill some sort of spiritual, working, social, friendship quota I've got set for myself and jam some more in there. I hate the feeling of being constantly busy to the point where you're schedule has already been planned in advance. I read somewhere, busyness is not the same as living. This isn't the lifestyle God's called me to live and I can sense it.

I can't keep living this lifestyle that's so out of harmony with God's calling. I'm trying to be still and enter the presence of God, but I can't hear his direction. Something in my life has to give but I'm not sure what. I'm trying submit in reverance by I can feel the sin in my flesh opposing my will. I desire that Christian lifestyle and the will to grab hold of it. Protection over the evil one who'd get in the way of your plans for me. Put you first and restore the delicate balance that has been missing. I can't do this on my own, I need your help Lord. I'm tired of wasting the days settling for mediocrity and things that are superficial.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Someone's getting Engaged!

It ain't me. That's not for a while...a LONG while.

It's great when you hear good news unexpectedly.

One of my good friends from university is getting married. He's the first one from our group of four in Electrical Engineering. I always knew it was going to happen, I never thought it would happen so soon. I'm excited, I'm speechless. It's surreal.

Shawn, Lisa, I'm happy for the both of you.

Now what are we going to do for your bachelor party...mwa hahahaha.

Friday, August 04, 2006

I heard this from the pastor at a friend's church I was visiting this weekend.

"Don't tell God how big your problems are. Tell your problems how big God is."

Is it just positive thinking? Nope...this is talking about God who created the universe, who breathed and gave us life, who is God of the impossible. This is our reality. The world's got nothing on God.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A Shared Victory!

I'm free! Free from 600 pound monkey that been on my back for the past month, otherwise known as my LEED Accreditation Exam. I kid you not, that material is dry that you get dehydrated just from reading it. Really, this situation was my own doing. I paid an awful price over the past month, missing countless outings in order to get myself out of the hole I dug myself in. The price of pride and stubbornness.

Looking back and I can't believe how arrogant and prideful I was. I came into this exam with the expectation the certification would just come to me. As if it was something that I was owed. I should know better. The world owes me nothing.

God has been drilling in me the lesson of being great at the little things. Quite often that is where you find God.

What makes this exam so special was that it was done God way. God had beckoned me to look at the little details and to reach out for help. For support, for prayer, for encouragement. It would be so easy to handle to burden on my own, because then the expectations are minimized. That on its own right is contrary to how God works. God victory is glorified when shared, when you're willing to be vulnerable and ask for help. The greatest feeling is watching God come through and know that the sweet taste of victory is one that is shared with those willing to help.

Maybe it was all part of the plan. To have friends willing to sacrifice their time for you is a wonderful blessing. Thanks so much guys, and to those who prayed for me. You know who you are.

That being said, this victory is God's. It leaves me with only one outstanding thought: God is good. It's just the beginning.