Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Random Cantonese Lesson

ki to
yi so

san yut fai lok
san lin fai lok
sing dan fai lok

ging tan

dim see
dim lo

I forgot a few of the words, but I remember the most important two! Thanks Elaine!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Yay Weekend!

This was an awesome weekend! Period. A couple of thoughts.

So, the much bally-hooed 80's/trailer park boys party lived up to expectations on friday. Thanks so much Alana!

Everyone had wicked costumes, although first prize went to Steph.

The tattoes are hilarous. Although mine is still sticking on my arm after trying to wash it off.

I got pwned by Usher's Burn in Kareoke Revolution. Man Usher can sing high. My hats off to him. My voicebox hurts now.

Dave had a great time. Thanks for everyone who talked to him and made him feel at home. Some of you may have noticed that he and I are on the complete opposite spectrum in every sense. Liberal Left meets Conservative Right. Agnostic meets Christian. Political Science meets Engineer. Somehow we're good friends since high school.

Borat was a rather appalling movie. There's some funny lines, but definitely it goes a bit over the edge.

Brought my brothers to basketball. Both of them are really enjoying it and it's exposing them to a church crowd. I'm hoping its a starting point. Keep praying.

My guitar is finally fixed!! I miss my baby! :D

My friend from Ottawa, Sharon is coming down this weekend for a teachers conference. She is one of the most interesting people I know.

Oh! In February I'm going up to Kingston to speak at their Engineering Conference. I'll be giving a seminar on job searching to the undergrads. I'm excited! The wise alumni giving the kids advice. Hehe

See you all soon.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Harsh Realities...

Being a kid born and raised in Oakville and having done my schooling at Queen's, I definitely can't say I grew up in a rough or tough neighbourhood. Not to say I didn't have my own challenges growing up (which there were) or that we weren't exposed to things like drugs or teenage sex (it's gotten a lot worse I've been told), but overall I'd say I've been rather protected from a lot of worse things. I've always heard of stories where the kid leaves their parents home at an early age because of the domestic situation, drops out or doesn't go beyond university; gets into drugs; maybe did the deed and wound up having a kid or two and can barely get by.

I remember when I used to work as an Office Clerk in The Exhibition's Cleaning department did I meet such characters. I don't really know what their circumstances were or what were the choices they made, all I know is that seeing it scared the death out of me and motivated me want to work as hard as I can.

It's hard to fathom that this is someone's reality. Admittedly and selfishly, I'd actually prefer not to fathom it. On saturday, Dave and I were planning on seeing the Borat movie (which was a pretty brutal movie) at Yorkdale. Unfortunately the original show was sold out and we had to settle for the 10:30 show, giving us 2 1/2 hours to kill. We ran into Eddy and Shirley in Yorkdale oddly enough.

In any event, to kill time we went to the Chapters to look at books. I was looking around in the Christian section when a young woman came up and asked me if there's a book I could recommend to help her through some problems she's been having. In her words: "I really need a book to help me out because I've just been through a lot over the past two days." We came across a book that was suitable for her but she could barely afford it. It's at this point God tells me to buy her this book and more importantly, hear her story.

It turns out this person was brought up in the church and raised in a church home, fell away from Christ but came back three years ago. She felt that the church wasn't there for her in her time of need and there were issues going on at home. Left the church and her family a long time ago and moved out on her own. She looks like she's in her mid twenties, so I was left speechless when I found out she had a 10 and an 8 year old. She was in a common law arraingement with her fiance, whose an unbeliever and had physically abused her two days prior on suspicion that she was cheating on him. She immediately moved out and doesn't know if she can make ends meet and has no family support. All I can remember is her saying "What am I going to do, how am I going to make this month?" Desperate.

To me, it's black and white. If she's in an abusive relationship, then he's forfeited his role as husband (common-law or not) and father figure. No matter how dire her financial situation may be, it can't justify going back and exposing her kids to a potentially dangerous and spiritually toxic environment. The only thing that I could suggest was for her to make amends with her mom and stop running away from everything that happened to her in the past. I prayed for her before she had to leave.

I'll admit, there's a skeptical side of me that wonders if this was a scam, but for the most part, I think everything she said was true. Another side of me can't help but wonder if she's ever taken ownership of the choices she's made or if she blames others. Nonetheless, this is reality for her. I feel for her kids because they're the ones who get hurt the most. I wonder if they'll make it through. There's no doubt, I believe God will provide for them. It's just that they'll go through so many struggles that I could never begin to comprehend. When I play everything back in my head, I think of how many things had to happen to make that situation unfold. Thank you God for that opportunity. I feel nothing but humility.

Friday, November 10, 2006

12:30 am....

A new record for staying late at work. I'm tired.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Engineers Re-Unite

Last night, Noel, Shawn and myself met up after work to catch up over dinner. It's always interesting how the conversations have evolved from university. It's been over a year and now we talk about our jobs, job politics, memories, where everyone is going in life and, of course, nerdy engineering talk. You know you're surrounded by engineers when the conversation switches from structural calculations to power load measurements to HVAC and heating equipment. At one point Noel was drawing a diagram of how Victoria gets its power from the main land, switching the current from 3-phase AC to DC and inverting it back to AC to minimize power loss. (Yay Power Systems!)

I'm happy that everyone's has landed on their feel after undergrad. Everyone is going in different directions on so many levels. Some are getting married, some are getting into the housing market, some are leaving permenantly for greener pastures. I hope for the best, because you don't know what the future holds in a years time. That 5 year reunion deal is gonna come sooner than we think.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Random Babble

So, I was unexpectly invited to have dinner with Jon (J-dawg) and his friend from work Ann, who is from Korea. THAT was a lot of fun! On the menu was teriyaki steak, pesto chicken fetuccine and vegetables. So much food!! There's nothing more satisfying than cooking dinner with friends, especially a dinner that would've cost you twice as much at a restaurant and probably only marginally better.

Originally Ann had said that she didn't know how to cook so I was trying to teach her the basics. I probably took it a bit too literally when I was telling her that we have to wait for the water to boil to cook the pasta. I thought to myself "She may be from another country but she probably knows how to turn on a stove and put a pot of water on it..."..Hmm...

I also learned that what Koreans called water isn't what we think water is. When I think water, I think of crystal clear liquid, so I was a bit confused when Ann pours me something that looks like apple juice while she was calling it water. So imagine my surprise when my water had a coffee/tea taste to it. Apparently that's what they call water over there.

Speaking of coffee, has anyone heard of Coca Cola Blak? It's suppose to be a mix Coke with coffee flavour. I don't know what combination they were trying to pull off but the drink was rather gross. At least the bottle looked cool.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Another One Leaving...

So another friend is going to be leaving Canada soon. That's three I know of so far. Noel's a guy I got to know pretty well in 4th year. He is one of the most upbeat and high energy guys I have ever met. I'm suppose to meet up with him on Wednesday to catch up and say our farewells over a pint. He's bought himself a one-way ticket to Australia with an work permit in hand. What's in Australia? Why, his girlfriend who's an amazing person. Here's a few pictures from the end of 4th year.

Noel and I celebrating at the Brass after completing our 4th year exams. Notice the tan coloured engineering jacket in all in glory. Wonderful times. Also notice how I don't wear that jacket because it is brutally ugly looking outside of Queen's. (Not to mention filled with memories of the greasepole...Secret Queen's Engineering Tradition)

Jon, Me, Shawn, Donna and Noel sporting our Iron Rings that we worked so hard to get for four years. Tap...tap...tap

The girl in the bottom left corner is reason Noel is trading in the cold and frosty confines of Canada for the great Down Under. Her name is Jane and she's a pretty cool girl.

Noel and Jane. BTW: As the story goes, in March (one month before exams were done) Jane surprised Noel by coming from Australia to stay with him for the remainder of the year.

I can't wait to see the guy.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


So, I walked into fellowship after spending an hour at the Dollarstore or Dollarama. I've always avoided those places because I thought they never had anything I'd ever need of. I take it all back. The place was IDEAL for getting supplies for my shoebox for Operation Christmas Child. (Did you know that the CEO of Samaritan's Purse, the organization that runs Operation Christmas Child is Franklin Graham, Billy Graham's son??) Going back to the story, I'm walking into fellowship and I've barely had a chance to sit down only to have my ALL my stuff ransacked and put into boxes. I didn't even have a chance to blink before it was all packaged up. THIEFS! (Kidding!)

I just found out that DJ Tiesto will be playing in Toronto next month. Those of you know don't know, I absolutely love Trance music! I find I don't have enough time to keep up with artists and tracks. Last time I saw Tiesto was at the Docks on Canada Day. I want to go again, but these concerts always start on saturday night, and hence end way into the morning on sunday. Such a letdown....In other news it's friday!