Saturday, March 22, 2008

Drinking Swill?

Edwin McManus made an point about how we can get so used to our current environments that we're not even aware there's something better out there. His example was talking about how he'd always have meat cooked well done growing up to burn off the bacteria. For him, this was normal, what he was used to. He once tried to order a steak well done at a steakhouse he used to work at, but the chef refused to cook the steak in that manner. (Thank goodness)

The chef instead makes a deal and tells Edwin he'll cook him two steaks, one medium rare and if he doesn't like it, he'll cook another one. Edwin describes how the medium rare steak looks undercooked and unappealing but the moment he tastes it, he's blown away!! He didn't know steak could taste like that because he'd been so accustomed to charred, well-done meat.

We too can get so accustomed to what we know, we forget what's out there. He makes another analogy that if you drink swill (poor quality beverage) enough your tastebuds get accustomed to it and you forget what a really good beverage tastes like.

The horror. Can you imagine not being able to recognize the drink of life because we take on all the swill the world offers instead? Makes me wonder what I'm settling for.

Friday, March 21, 2008


Why is it, the moment I try to break away from busyness, I get more busy???

It seems like the moment I try to shed things off my plate, something else always comes up. I suppose never being idle is a blessing in disguise.

Perhaps deep down inside it's a control issue and reminder that my present circumstances has to be continually surrendered to God. Or maybe its recognizing that life is not easy and that I have to fight for the things that are important to me.

My devotions and my friend point towards the fact that I am letting worrying of my circumstances draining away from my walk with God.

"The seed that fell among thorns stand for those who hear, but as they go on their way they ae choked by life's worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature."

Luke 7:14

Surrender is giving God a blank cheque with your life and trusting the amount he writes will be enough.

God is bigger than all this and He's is always good. My faith essentially gets boiled down to this. I'm waiting for when I can look back on today and breathe some relief.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Words of Wisdom and Truth

Several quotes from the weekend:

"What you pray for is what you worship."

"What important to you is what you'll make time for."

"You know, we work hard at doing a great job for our workplace, but not for our devotions and prayer."

"Everything you do is for God's glory alone. "

I love Truth, no matter hard it is to swallow at times.

Friday, March 07, 2008

My work week

So far, this has been one of the BUSIEST work weeks of my life. As of now, I'm writing at 4:30 am with a tea and 2 Red Bulls in my system. Guarenteed, this will mess up my sleeping schedule. Jenn and Julian also gave me perogies to snack on while I'm working late.

Case in point:

Sunday: 5 pm - 10:30 pm
Monday: 9 am - 11:00 pm
Tuesday: 9:30 am - 5:30 pm
Wednesday: 9:30 am - 11:30 pm
Thursday: 9:30 am - 5:30 pm
Friday: 1:00 am - 4:30 am (That's right. You're reading this correctly)

I also drove down to the office to get my work done and am deliberating between driving home and sleeping on my comfy bed or sleeping in my car and getting an extra 30 minutes of sleep. Hands down, the bed wins.