Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Don't eat the donuts...

Summer gave me my birthday present after picking her up from prayer meeting. It was absolutely hilarious!! Made my day.

Also, she was telling me what I shouldn't eat at Tim Hortons.

Summer: "Don't eat the donuts. They're like eating cancer. "

That was far too funny, but it did convince me to get a bagel with my coffee instead.

Unplanned Vacation Day!

Yesterday I got to leave work early because of a power transformer that blew out. My boss calls me this morning to inform me that the office is still without power. WHICH MEANS...unplanned vacation day!!!!

This has been a funny week!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Sermons at Work

My work may have blocked facebook and gmail from me, but this past week I've been listening to sermons from Northpoint at work. At least now when I'm doing boring monotonous work or working late, I can listen to Andy Stanley preach the word of God.

Makes the day go faster. =)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The asian in me loves saving money

Westjet was have a sale on their airfare tickets.

Regular Round Trip to Calgary from Toronto: $849.80

Westjet Sale Flight Trip tickets to Calgary from Toronto: $486.50

I just saved myself $363.30. (or 43% savings for those who like to calculate that) Yeah Westjet! Praise God.

Calgary is officially good to go.

HVAC Modules Done!

So, after 5 months of study hell, I finally finished my ASHRAE Modules. Good Riddance. Don't get me wrong, excellent technical learning experience and great for my career. It was stressful having to study for this and P.Eng Law & Ethics all at once. (Unfortunately, I have to redo law, which was a shocker) All this lead to a complete burnout in January which I'm slowly getting over.

Thanks for those who've prayed for me and encouraged me. That meant a lot. The biggest change in me has been how I view prayer. It's a lifestyle. I goes beyond the morning and at night but any opportunity that comes. So, there's definitely a silver lining.

This year my company has me taking two more courses for my development. I'll be certain to pace things a bit more to make room for people. Honestly, the past 6 months have been ridiculous. Social life? What is that? I refuse to let work dominate my life like it did last year.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Things I learned in Ottawa

  • The canal is absolutely beautiful to skate (walk on)
  • Garlic Butter and Cheese beavertail and poutine taste DANG good
  • E18Teen has a lounge very similar to Flow. And drinks are expensive
  • Hotel Laurier has some very nice bathrooms
  • Ottawa has a lot of Shawarma places. Mmm...Shawarma plates
  • You can make some awesome snow forts with the amount of snow on people lawns
  • I've never seen icicles that big on a home before
  • Stay away from women of the night in Vanier
  • OCAC does asian loitering as much as MCAC does
  • It's never the place, it's the people that make the trip. (I already know this but it's worth saying)

Thanks everyone for an amazing Winterlude. I don't want to go back to work.